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Opals Farms

A​bout the Farm


A dream realize and named after legendary community activist Opal Lee, 92, who envisioned an urban farm providing farm-fresh, nutritious food for residents of the city. Unlimited, Opal's non-profit organization, started working the five-acre urban farm east of downtown to address local food deserts and revitalize the health of local neighborhoods. Her desire to help those less fortunate find self-worth and purpose in an honest day’s labor for an honest wage is surpassed only by her desire for people to have access to healthy produce and nutritious food.


“Everyone deserves to be fed and to eat healthy food. Unfortunately, that’s rarely the case in many of our neighborhoods. A lot of people don’t know what it is to have fresh vegetables. The only choice they have is the convenience or dollar store down the street, and that’s usually a small selection of highly processed junk food void of nutrients”, according to Greg Joel, Farm Manager for Opal’s Farm. “We will provide healthy options and the education to use them”. 


Greg Joel, a seasoned grower, got his start  working on several garden projects for a local non-profit. That led to several school garden projects for the Birdville Independent School District and eventually managing the Como Community Garden in west Fort Worth. Yearning to satisfy his desire to farm for a purpose, Greg contacted Ms. Opal directly, after learning about the idea of putting an urban farm in inner Fort Worth. Their mutual commitment to addressing food and social justice issues started an incredible relationship.


Unity Unlimited, Inc. has been granted use of these acres in Fort Worth by the Tarrant Regional Water District (TRWD) for the express purpose of creating an urban farm. Located just east of downtown, the farm sits on rich, fertile bottom land near the Trinity River. Only 100% organic methods will be utilized with special care given to the soil conservation and the environment. 


Long term, Ms. Opal would like to see the farm create jobs, provide job training, and bring a spirit of entrepreneurship and self-reliance to the local community. Particularly, she wishes to see become a place for incarcerated youth be to have a second chance to get back on their feet. The farm will be a beacon for change for the community and a hub for creating everlasting unity within Fort Worth.




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