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Who is Grow Southeast

Grow Southeast is a joint initiative between COACT, The Healthy Tarrant County Collaboration, and the Office of Commissioner Roderick Miles. We create lasting impact by building urban farms, creating policy change to support urban agriculture, and amplifying the capacity of the community so we can collectively address food and economic disparities in Fort Worth. 


Learn more GROW SOUTHEAST, the FARMERS we have supported, and the journey to address food disparities in Fort Worth. 


"The excitement of seeing the okra appear in the garden for the first time and seeing the progress of the garden and outdoor classroom growing each time I come out."


Mary Beth Seaman, Regions Bank

Join Us!

Schedule your donation, subscribe to our newsletter, reach out to us, visit our blog page, or consider becoming a volunteer!


Project Supporters

Be sure to check out the EVENTS page to see our planned activities for this year and at each of the farms!


The project would not be possible without support from the following.


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