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Tabor Farms

A​bout the Farm


The senior pastor at Greater Mt. Tabor Christian Center in southeast Fort Worth, Pastor Elvis Bowman is an advocate seeking to address local food disparities in his community. He is driven by a responsibility to care for those that are under-served and in need of healthy and local food options. Using a fraction of the 40 acres the church owns, he decided to create community farm with the desire to bring people together while also increasing their quality of life. The farm will increase options for Southeast Residents to get affordable and accessible healthy food. 


​Pastor Bowman believes in creating a pipeline of learning for local youth that will benefit them throughout their entire lives. In order to create a greater appreciation of the earth and a better understanding of where food comes from, how it’s grown, and what constitutes a healthy diet, he focuses on teaching local children about all aspects of the garden. For adults, a network of educators and farming experts will help teach about nutrition and the basics of caring for a farm. ​


To address some of the job insecurities in the area, Greater Mount Tabor will employ members from the community putting resources directly into the pockets of residents, giving them both a stabilizing income, and working knowledge on agriculture. ​


Greater Mount Tabor will serve as an example of the impact the faith community can make through community centered servitude. With goals to expand the farm beyond the initial 3 acres it currently occupies, the farm could be an avenue to serve the entire county rather than just the immediate community.




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